Honestly, folks I miss the garbage men and women that visit my street weekly. Remember when I said that snow literally paralyzed our city and then we got dumped on for almost two week. Well...I haven't see a garbage truck since then. Goodness no.
It is painful. (especially for this neat freak, OCD girl) I literally have garbage and recycling in every corner of the house. (I'm just THRILLED to share this exciting news with you all!) On the back porch, laundry room, overflowing on the kitchen floor, spare shower (don't even ask!), and out on the street...garbage, recycling everywhere!
Unfortunately, as you know, Christmas is also one of those holidays that creates LOTS of extra waste. In the midst of this season, image sitting on top of your holiday waste, plus three weeks of regular garbage...oh, and don't forget Mr. Keegan's stinky diapers! (Are you just a bit jealous?)
What? Oh...you say, just put it in the garage. Ha...you are so funny, the Little Blue Bungalow doesn't have a garage. (Silly Goose!) So...here we wait in baited anticipation for the garbage men to come blaring down our street. After three weeks I truly appreciate this service that takes away my trash and recycling...I'm never taking it for granted again. To you, garbage men and garbage women I say thanks. Thanks for your dedication and service. Oh...where art thou garbageman? (Sigh.)
Our normal pick-up is on Thursday morning, but with the holiday I'm crossing my fingers to see you Friday morning. (Yes?) I promise we'll be the crazy family in the Little Blue Bungalow waving and smiling this Friday as you come down our street. We miss you!
From inside the little blue bungalow,
Katie Jean
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