Friday, July 3, 2009

Show Us Where You Live Friday: Yards and Garages

Greetings from the Pacific Northwest and welcome to the Little Blue Bungalow. The Britten's: Drew, Katie Jean (that's me!), Fiona and Keegan are pleased you've chosen our blog to stop by for a visit during Kelly's Korner "Show Us Where You Live - Friday".

This week showcases yards and garages, so I am more than delighted to share the beauty of our yard since gardening is my passion. What is that? Oh, yes...the garage pictures. Well, we don't have one so you'll have to endure an extra picture of the gardens. (Lucky you!)

Though our home is small, our yard is big and inviting. When I first moved into the bungalow over three years ago, I was dumb founded as to where to start. Our house had been "flipped" and instead of leaving the existing mature bushes and plants in my flower beds they literally had been stripped bare. I was started from ground ZERO. No plants and no money to make a difference. What in the world was I going to do?

My first step was to determine what was even in my flower beds. (Tricky for a Midwest girl now living in the Pacific Northwest!) Even though they had stripped most plants out a few bulbs managed to poke through the first sight of spring and something was trying to grow on the west side of the bungalow. I nursed the plant back to health and discovered I had a beautiful pink climbing rose. Now I knew what I had, but I needed more...lots more.

Over the years I've networked with other gardeners in area including: neighbors, friends, and acquaintances. These experienced gardeners were happy to share their plants knowing they in turn were containing their own plants and making them healthier by splitting. (Just like I'm happy to share if anyone needs some plants!) Honestly, I didn't care what color it was or the type of plant as I was building a base of flowers at my own home. Over the years, I've rearranged and moved these original plants to my desired liking...something I never really knew about gardening. If you don't like it there...MOVE IT!

Though the front yard is packed with flowers for eye appeal, the backyard is our eating gardens packed with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables for our stomachs to enjoy. We are so blessed in the Pacific Northwest with optimal growing seasons! I live in a gardener's paradise.

This weather allows me to grow 2-4 harvests of many of the vegetables to enjoy now as well as preserve for the winter months. We grow: potatoes, corn, onions (red and white), green beans, snap peas, heritage tomatoes, head lettuce (butter and red-leafed), cilantro, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, rhubarb, and carrots. It is such a privilege to have my family daily eat the "fruits of my labor" and see the beauty in God's colorful flowers.

As always, if you enjoyed this yards and (nonexistent) garage tour, please make sure to stop by Kelly's blog (click HERE) and visit other blogs participating in the "Show Us Where You Live - Friday".

From inside the little blue bungalow,
Katie Jean
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1 comment:

Mrs. Darling said...

Okay this is uncanny. I followed you here from Kellys Korner and the first thing I noticed is that our houses are the same color. Next you say you are from the Pacific Northwest. So am I. Im in Oregon. I was born here. Gotta love our weather for gardening hu?