Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sorry I Missed Your Call (PART TWO)

R u kidding me? (No...I didn't flush my cell phone down the toilet AGAIN!) Two nights ago, my husband misplaced his phone after working out. At first we assumed that it was just misplaced by one of our dear children or sitting someplace we hadn't yet looked. These things happen in a busy house, right? It is called life.

However, I just got received an email from my dear hubby telling me someone has been texting Africa on his phone. (Nice.) That definitely concludes that we won't be finding his phone anytime soon and that it certainly wasn't "misplaced".

At first I was angry, then frustrated, then just down right felt violated. So crazy! I hate it when bad stuff happens like this. Unfortunately, my personality makes it hard for me to forget about this misfortune act of another. Of course the good news is he has been planning on upgrading his phone for quite sometime, but I have been dragging my feet. So all in all...he'll finally get the new phone he has been requesting.

The not so good news is that he has lost all of his phone numbers. That is a BIG pain...I should know. Remember when I flushed my cell phone down the toilet around Thanksgiving? (OK...stop...I know it was funny...just stop laughing.) It took me awhile to replace all those numbers and I never did "recover" my phone...not sure if I wanted to, would you?

So if you've tried to get a hold of Drew or text him in the past couple of days...sorry he missed your call.

From inside the little blue bungalow,
Katie Jean
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Karen P said...

did you ask your carrier if they can export it or did you save them to a sim?

Drew Britten said...

This was really NOT some secret plan to get a new phone. Unfortunately all my numbers were on the sim card :(